NEWS & Updates
Order Poinsettias
Order forms for poinsettias can be found in the bulletin or newsletter or call the church office 203-333-7259. Multiple sizes of white or red blooms are available. You can have them place on the altar in honor or memory of loved ones.
Christmas Eve Service 5pm
Our Christmas Eve service on December 24th will be held at 5pm. We would love you to join us to share in this special service.
Advent Book Study Dec. 15th
We have been reading Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day!: Daily Meditations for the Ups, Downs & In-Betweens by Kate Bowler. Join us after worship on December 15th to continue the discussion. You do not have to have read the book….we will take turns picking short passages to read and discuss.
Next Executive Board Meeting
The Executive Board will meet December 22nd following worship.
Yankee Swap- Save the Date Jan. 12th
Our annual Yankee Swap (exchange of gift that we would like to “rehome”) will be January 12th along with a potluck. Snow date January 19th.
Advent Workshop Dec. 1st
Following worship there will be a Potluck and a time to fill Christmas bags for the children of Family Matters.