2102 Main Street • Bridgeport, CT 06606


Pastor and Staff

Reverend Lynn Casteel Harper

Rev. Lynn Casteel Harper began as Olivet’s pastor in August 2024. Prior to Olivet, Rev. Lynn served as the Minister of Older Adults at The Riverside Church (NYC) and as a nursing home chaplain. She is a graduate of Wake Forest University Divinity School and Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital’s chaplain residency program.
In addition to her work with the local church, Lynn is an essayist and aging justice advocate. Her debut book, On Vanishing: Mortality, Dementia, and What It Means to Disappear (Catapult, 2020), was named a New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice. Lynn’s essays and interviews have appeared in Kenyon Review OnlineSalonThe Paris ReviewNorth American ReviewThe Christian Science Monitor, NPR’s ThinkThe Sun Magazine, and elsewhere. In August 2021, Lynn served as the Chautauqua Institution’s featured author and guest preacher.
Originally from southeastern Missouri, Lynn has lived in New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Maine, and South Carolina. She now resides in Bridgeport, Connecticut, with her husband Ryan. Lynn is happy to be part of the Bridgeport community and is always eager to welcome visitors to Olivet!


Administrative/Financial Secretary

Gail is our administrative assistant/financial secretary which means she keeps the church office running, the use of our building coordinated and bills paid on time. Gail is the “rudder of our ship” and keeps us highly organized and current. Gail enjoys gardening, reading and walking with her dog Mandy. Thank God for Gail!



Jose is our building caretaker. He can fix almost anything and there is always a list to keep up with in a building that is almost 130 years old! He has a world of experience and we are so happy that he is part of our Olivet family.

Nick Drabik

Church Musician

Nicholas M. Drabik is a musician, educator, and performer with a strong foundation in sacred music. He has performed as an organist across the U.S. and Europe, including North Germany, Paris, and Rome, and as a trumpet player with the Western Connecticut State University instrumental ensembles and Jazz Orchestra.

As band director at John F. Kennedy High School, he has expanded the instrumental music programs by founding a Drum Major Leadership Academy and introducing a color guard, competitive marching band, and jazz ensemble leading students to high-profile performances like the National Arts Jazz Festival in Philadelphia. 

Nicholas holds a Master of Arts in Band Studies from Sam Houston State University, a Bachelor of Science in Music Education from Western Connecticut State University, and studied organ at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University. He is currently pursuing an advanced degree in Administrative Leadership at Sacred Heart University.

Outside of music, he enjoys time with his wife, two children, two cats, and a dog, as well as woodworking and working outdoors.