Sunday Service @ 10:00 a.m

2102 Main Street Bridgeport, CT 06606


Christmas Eve and Morning

Join us for a candlelight service at 4 pm on Christmas Eve 12/24 and Christmas morning service at 10 am on 12/25.

Backpack & School Supplies Collection

Please call the church office to see what supplies are still needed 203-333-7259. Our Covenant to Care social worker, Selena will be joining us during worship on August 14th to fill the backpacks and for a blessing of the backpacks.

Rally Sunday Sept. 11

Join us for Rally Sunday on September 11th for a 10am service and a brunch potluck following worship.

Collecting for Backpacks

Our goal is to fill 10 backpacks with school supplies for Covenat to Care. Check the flyer for needed items.