Ash Wednesday Service 3/22/23 6pm
Join us.
Lenten Devotional Series
Running From Empty- contact church office for details. Click here for more info.
Olivet Serving at St. George’s Community Supper
Olivet will be packing bagged meals to bring to St. George’s on 2/27/23. Contact D. Kopec if you would like to help or donate items.
Olivet Annual Meeting
2/12/23 following worship
Olivet Executive Board Meeting
2/5/23 following Worship
Christmas Eve and Morning
Join us for a candlelight service at 4 pm on Christmas Eve 12/24 and Christmas morning service at 10 am on 12/25.
Backpack & School Supplies Collection
Please call the church office to see what supplies are still needed 203-333-7259. Our Covenant to Care social worker, Selena will be joining us during worship on August 14th to fill the backpacks and for a blessing of the backpacks.
Rally Sunday Sept. 11
Join us for Rally Sunday on September 11th for a 10am service and a brunch potluck following worship.
Bpt Community Festival 7/23
Click above on COMMUNITY RESOURCES page for more info.
Collecting for Backpacks
Our goal is to fill 10 backpacks with school supplies for Covenat to Care. Check the flyer for needed items.